Krisztián is a boy with moderate intellectual disabilities. As a child he missed a lot of kindergarten. By the age of six he was already far behind the others, so he was in the special needs group. Neurologists diagnosed him with mucopolysaccharidosis – Sanfilippo C disease, a serious metabolic disease: where your body lacks an enzyme that breaks down used mucopolysaccharides during the metabolic process. As a result, substances that continuously damage the cells are retained. People with MPS cannot live to adulthood without treatment. Due to his illness, Krisztián also struggled with hernias, spinal lesions, and joint pain. Ever since his mother discovered C-peptide and used it on him, almost all existing symptoms have been alleviated: He is full of energy, his pains and constant upper respiratory tract disease have gone away, the boy is much more communicative, his life has become more complete.
Krisztian’s symptoms of mucopolysaccharidosis were significantly relieved with C-peptide
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