János had struggled with his medical issues since 1997. He was tormented by unbearable chest pains, and had no sensations in his limbs. Doctors misdiagnosed him for a long period.
Following an ECG test, the cardiologist was shocked by the results and ordered an immediate intervention. They discovered that János had a 98% blockage in his coronary artery and was the cause of his severe chest symptoms. At first, they tried to dilate the coronary artery with a balloon. Unfortunately, 20 years after the intervention his chest pain started again, even more severe than before. Doctors tried to dilate the artery with a vascular mesh, but the mesh was inserted incorrectly. Subsequently, he had an operation at the Cardiology Clinic in Pécs and in November 2016 underwent open-heart surgery lasting 6 hours.
After a difficult recovery period, his chest complaints started again. That’s when János looked into natural healing options. In the summer of 2020, he came across a natural active ingredient and has since reported that; ‘My chest pains have disappeared completely, and after a week or two, I said that I wish I’d found it earlier and not had to go through such immense torture; I’ve got my strength back again now.’