No one has yet been able to recover from this condition – the former radio station DJ is determined to be the first

Gyula was the editor and presenter of the Kecskemét Gong radio station. He lived a very active life, was very busy and worked a lot. However, he stopped taking medication prescribed for his high blood pressure, and this persistent hypertension became a cause of great trouble. Gyula suffered a brainstem stroke at the age of 44, which caused him complete paralysis in his right side. Doctors estimated 4-5 years of rehabilitation after the stroke. In the intensive care unit, life-support machines kept him alive, he could not breathe unaided or feed himself. After using C-Peptide, Gyula started to feel sensations again on the right side of his body. At first, he had tingling sensations and then later he was able to clearly sense the temperature of warm and cold water. The former radio station DJ is now learning to walk again. In Szeged, where the family visit physiotherapists, they have praised his improvements. His movements have progressed a lot, and his involuntary movements have subsided. He is more and more able to move around with a walking frame. Gyula and his family are determined to improve further. He would like to score goals in basketball again.

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